Washoe Storey Conservation District, Nevada USA
Email: washoestoreycd@gmail.com
Phone: (775) 722-6302
DATE: Monday, November 4, 2024
TIME: 4:30 PM
LOCATION: Downtown Reno Library
Truckee Conference Room
301 S. Center Street
Reno, NV 89501
- All voting at this meeting must be done in person and an ID must be presented for residency verification.
*Public Comment: Public Comment may be submitted via email to alisa.wscd@gmail.com or by written mail to ATTN: Marlee Jenkins, Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st Street, Sparks, Nevada 89431. Public Comment is for all matters, both on and off the agenda as designated on the agenda and will be limited to five minutes per person. Public comments will also be heard during individual action items on the agenda prior to action taken. The District Supervisors may prohibit or limit comment of the content if the comments are a topic that are not relevant to, or within the authority of, the district, or if they are irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers but will not restrict comments based on viewpoint only. The district reserves the right to reduce the time or limit the total time allowed for public comment. Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on the agenda items and/or attend and make comment on that item at the district meeting.
1) Call to Order
- SIGN IN (Note: You must be a resident in the district if you are nominated or voting)
- Public Comment *
- Open nominations for Supervisor seats. (For possible action)
- Close Nominations and Vote. Under NRS 548.285 (4 c) If the election is held by mass meeting: Voting must be by secret ballot. The Chair of the district supervisors shall appoint three electors present to act, without pay, as judges and tellers to count the votes at the conclusion of voting.
- Election results announced and accepted. (For possible action)
- Public Comment *
- Adjournment
This meeting has been properly noticed and posted at the following locations:
Nevada Department of Agriculture 405 S. 21st Street, Sparks, Nevada 89431
Washoe-Storey Conservation District website: http://nevadaconservation.com/ |
Downtown Reno Library, Truckee Conference Room
301 S. Center Street Reno, NV 89501 |
Open Meeting Law Website at: https://notice.nv.gov |
Note: Washoe-Storey CD is pleased to accommodate members of the public with disabilities. If special arrangements for the meeting are required, please notify Alisa Kim at (562) 400-0885, at least three days prior to the meeting. Please contact Alisa Kim by email at alisa.wscd@gmail.com; or phone (562) 400-0885 to obtain supporting material for the agenda.
All meetings are audio-recorded.
(WSCD Meetings are usually held on the 2nd Monday of the Month at 3:30pm)
Click the link below to view all upcoming WSCD meeting agendas
Click for information on purchasing Sage Grouse Fence Markers
WSCD Sage Grouse Patches are available!
$10 Donation Patch, Help Support Your Environment!
Sage Grouse Preservation Project
To Contact WSCD Chairman-
Bret Tyler (775) 722-6302 email: brettyler2@gmail.com
We at the Washoe-Storey Conservartion District are looking for new Board Member and volunteers.
If you are interested.
please call Bret Tyler @ 775 722 6302 or email brettyler2@gmail.com
1365 Corporate Blvd
Reno, NV 89502-7102
Hello Bret,
How do we follow your rfps? I was sent one that I did not see in advance. Please let me know where you post so I may follow and assist you with your projects.
Lori Bigham
NOVA Geotechnical & Inspection Services
Hello, I am doing a noxious weed plan required by Washoe County at a new property just North of Gerlach. I would like to work with you on this project. Is there a weed abatement district in Gerlach? What weeds may be a problem in this area. I have experience with Russian Nape Weed on one of the Burning Man properties.
Many many years ago I served on the WSCD for quite a few years.
Thank you,