
CD history

Organization Statements
Washoe Storey Conservation District, Nevada USA
“Washoe Storey Conservation District is working with all agencies to collaborate, communicate, lead and synergize, reduce duplication of effort and conserve resources and promote the greater good of the region, and educate all in the spirit and supporting law of the land to protect the history, habitats and nature for all to enjoy and treasure.”

WSCD mission statement

VISION – The Washoe-Storey Conservation District works with the

public, government agencies, community organizations, and other stakeholders to foster environmental stewardship and management of natural resources, to educate the community on environmental issues, and to restore and enhance our natural resources.

MISSION – The Washoe-Storey Conservation District creates understanding of the interrelationships between people and our environment through educating our citizens and building opportunities and partnerships so as to foster conservation and restoration efforts on all lands and to aid urban growth in an environmentally responsible manner.


  • WSCD maintains a healthy, viable conservation district organization also restores and enhance natural resources.
  • WSCD implements conservation practices emphasizing quality water quantity, fish and wildlife habitats, stream and wetland restorations, Sage Grouse habitat restoration, range-land management, flood control and other water concerns.
  • WSCD identifies, maps and controsl noxious weeds.
  • WSCD encourages and assists in environmentally responsible urban land use.
  • WSCD assists in the development of recreation opportunities.
  • WSCD emphasizes fire fuel reduction in urban-rural interface lands.
  • WSCD works with elected officials and others to attain our goals.


Bret Tyler, Chair
Jim Shaffer, Treasurer;    Kathy Canfield, Storey County Appointee Supervisor; Jeanne Herman, Washoe County Appointee Supervisor; Sean Gephart, Board Member


Naomi DeVore, Office Administrator


Spencer Scott


Jim Gifford NRCS

Zach Ormsby, State CD Program

Melany Aten, DCNR



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